Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our Visit To Austin

This week Colter and I took a trip to visit my sister and her family in Austin. We were so excited to spend time with Colter's Aunt Laura aka Darrah, Olivia aka Yar-Ya, and Evan aka Evan...he can say that one perfectly. We missed out on seeing Uncle Craig he had headed to Houston for work. Colter and I were ready for a few days of swimming and lots of playing. Well, Colter played and I chased. This is all I am going to sister lives in a million dollar home and I have a explanation needed! Before I left I had debated on taking the infamous "baby jail," and I am sure glad I did! Who knew the "baby jail" was going to be such a hit! All the kids wanted to play in it, including Olivia and Evan's other cousin, Catherine aka Capro, as Colter loved to call her. By the end of each day Colter and I were worn out from all the swimming, chasing, ice cream eating, slip n slide, baby jail playing, and more chasing that we had to do some relaxing on the couch. Okay, I needed to relax on the couch, but Colter did love sitting up there with his cousins...he thought he was such a big boy! We had a great time and can't wait to come visit again. Colter is still yelling DARRAH and looking for her....he loves his aunt! What a great trip.

Evan, Colter, and Olivia...don't you just love Evan's expression...come on guys!

Laura aka Darrah squeezed in this one before the kids ran off

The infamous BABY JAIL! "Can we pleeeeease get in the baby jail?"

Slip N Slide

Chillin' on the couch

Evan waiting so patiently for his turn on the slip n slide

Momma and Colter in the pool....wait don't I have a tanning business?

Catherine, Evan, Olivia, and Colter snuggled up for morning cartoons

High five Capro!


BUSTED Catherine....are you hammering his head?

Sweeeeeet Cousins

Lots of KISSES

Olivia had been sleeping, but Colter put an end to that!

Someone found Olivia's glasses....Mr. Hollywood

Arrrrrgg! Little Pirate Colter

Wonder what this pirate is thinking about?

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