So much has been going on lately....I just can't keep up! And it seems like things are only going to get busier. So here is my attempt at catching up. A little over a week ago my big boy finally made it out of his crib and into a new race car toddler bed! I probably could have moved him sooner, but I really wanted to wait till he could understand and truly be excited AND boy was he! All Colter talks about right now is sleeping in his RACE CAR BED! I was a little scared about the transition, but it went great! The first few nights he went right to sleep, and even took a 2 hour nap in it then second day. Now a little over a week in the bed and he is still doing great, but has started a new game of jumping out of his bed the second I close the door.....little stinker!
Last week Colter and I went to visit my good friend Jenae and her sweet little baby Addison Michelle. It was so good to see them and Colter just loved Addison! We had a great time just chatting and playing with the baby. Addison was already showing her sassy side and meant business when it was time to eat! Sassiness from her Momma.....appetite from her Daddy!
Momma and Baby!
Pretty in Pink!
My FAVORITE picture! Looks like Jenae when she wants a new pair of shoes!
Colter lovin' on Addison
Colter was so excited to get to sit next to Jenae and Addison....the highlight of his day!
Last week Colter and I also made a trip to Matheson Park in Tomball to meet up with friends Jill and Avery, and Misty and Emerson! The second Colter's feet hit the ground he was running and never stopped! So, as you can tell I didn't get many pictures of him. Avery was such a trooper hanging with two boys....she was a little apprehensive at first, but by lunch she was running after them and calling Colter to come sit next to her. Emerson and Colter of course chased each other and loved going down the spiral slide. And even the Momma's got in on the action...see below! What a great day with great friends! Can't wait to do it again.....
WHAT....Colter is sitting down....quick take a picture!
Future Farmer of America!
Notice she is NOT driving the tractor.....SHE is posing! Such a girl.
What are these two up to? Looks like trouble!
Pregnant Misty about to pop any minute going down the slide! Can you tell she is a mom....juice box in one hand and camera in the other.
Time for the MOM's to have some FUN!
They look like they are about to pounce on each other!
First time on a tire swing....not too sure what to think about it.
King of the TIRES!
Misty and Emerson
Jill and Avery
One very special day that I was included in on was Peyton's 1st Birthday Party, but I forgot my camera! So, if you want to see pictures of the birthday girl you can go to The Straley Family blog. Also, on her blog are more pictures of Colter and Emerson playing in Misty's back yard....very cute! You can also go to the Ash Family blog for more pictures of our trip to the park!