Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mother's Day Out!

Today, was Colter's first day of Mother's Day Out! He was very excited to start "school." He even thought he was going to get to ride a school bus....sorry not yet! When I dropped him off he immediately ran into his room and started playing with the toys. He even had one of his friend's, Olivia, in his class. I was proud of tears, but boy did I miss him! When I went to pick him up he looked up at me and then just kept playing trucks with one of his new little friends, so needless to say....he had fun!

Colter posing with his nap mat!

Colter just loves his nap mat...although they said he didn't sleep....hmmmm no surprise!

All of his Mother's Day Out gear!

Now if he would only close his eyes and sleep.

Headed out the door to MDO!

So excited. He told me only one picture momma! But I couldn't help myself.

His first crafts!


  1. Yay, for MDO! You'll really love it once that baby gets here!!! :)

  2. Oh yes I bet! I am definitely going to need the break...
