Thursday, December 15, 2011

Coy's Birthday!

 Coy is officially O-N-E!!!!

We first celebrated at home with a little cake smashing and gift opening THEN on the weekend we had a his party (those pictures coming soon). 

We had Coy's one year doctor's check up and everything went great.  Here are his stats:

Weight:  24lbs 5oz  (94%)
Height:  32 1/2 inches  (100%)
Head:  47cm (76%)

At age one Coy has been keeping us busy.  He is probably the fastest crawler I have ever seen, but has yet tried to take his first step...maybe soon.  He loves his walker and can make it from one end of the house to the other in seconds.  His favorite thing to do in the walker is to go to the fridge, take off a wooden hay magnet and carry it around the house.  He is loves to play with cars, balls, and anything of Colter's.  He hates it when you take anything away from him and will let you know how he feels about it with a scream!  Coy is a great sleeper and seems to like all the foods we have given him.  He loves his brother and is fascinated with the dog.  Coy's first year has been a blessing and I can't wait to see what this next year brings...



  1. Love that sweet boy! -Misty

  2. He's gorgeous!! Where did the baby go? (same place mine went I'm guessing)
    Congrats on all of your hard work as a're doing a phenomenal job with your boys. :)

  3. so cute!! I can't believe our little guys are both one! he looked like he was REALLY into his cake! :) too funny.. we got kaelan the same b. zany cube :)
