Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day At The Aquarium...

I wouldn't call this Valentine's Day romantic, but it sure was fun! Chad, Colter, and I went to the Aquarium in Houston. Since "fish" and "blub, blub, blub" (what fish say) are some of Colter's favorite things to say these days I thought he would enjoy seeing the fish up close and personal! Not only did we see tons of fish we dined, rode a train, and got dizzy on a carousel. Although, I think Colter's favorite thing was the Dippin' Dots at the end....yum! And we even ran into Colter's best friend Emerson who happened to be with his did that happen?

Watching fish while waiting to be seated

Waiting on the train....choo choo!

Train ride to see the sharks

Carousel ride with Daddy

Fish fish everywhere

Hello Mr. Grouper!

I have my eye on you FISH

Oh Mommy was on this trip?

Oh yes...and tigers! Colter kept calling him "dog"

Ewww scary tiger...

ohhh kisses for the scary tiger

Just chillin' at home after the big day

Colter and the cute cowboy bear Nan got him for V-day


  1. So fun! The girls love that place. Oh...and Cash had that same shirt for Valentines Day. :)

  2. What is your sis-n-laws name? Are you on FB?

  3. Glad Mommy could finally make it to play w/ Colter. He's always unsupervised !!!
